Our week of Lankford family fun at Disney World is over. It was hot but not as bad as the trip four years ago. That was Disney-in-the-middle-of-July brutal. That was my-shirt-is-dripping- wet-with-sweat-by-9:30-in-the-morning brutal. Yes, there were also crowds but one still had personal space when walking around the parks. (And anyone who knows me well, knows that I have to have me some personal space.)
Some of the most memorable moments?
Scoring the room with the king size bed even while staying at the Pop Century resort.
Spending time with all 13 members of the Lankford fam. (Although trying to keep a group of that size together while walking around the parks has its challenges.)
Phil and I surprising dad with a 7 hour back stage tour of 3 of the parks on Wednesday. I can now say that I've been in the underground "cast member" tunnels underneath the Magic Kingdom. Oh...and I also saw Snow White putting on her makeup with her wig sitting next to her on the makeup table. Interesting picture.
Tower of Terror, Aerosmith's Rockin' Rollercoaster, and Mt. Everest.
Phil, our brother-in-law Matt, and nephews, Zach & Josh in several pictures around the parks wearing many different hats and or wigs.
This close to passing out at Cinderella's Castle as we waited for our table reservations for dinner...truly. Must've been the heat and hunger. Almost was an exact repeat of the "Chick-Fil-A Incident" of several years back. There I did pass out at the counter and woke up flat on my back on the floor with a crash-test dummy guy staring down at me. Long story...
In the van one night on the way back to the hotel, our 4 year old niece, Alexandra says, "Daddy...turn down that music. It's making my head angry." And then later, "Hey...is that Coldplay?"
That same 4 year old niece walking around the parks in 2 inch platform sandals in order to make sure that she is tall enough to ride the rides. Her mom, Dianne, is a smart one!
Meeting my sister and her family at Epcot for the day on Thursday because they happened to be in Florida for the week on vacation the same time we were down there. Rode lots of Mission Space that day just for you, Jake and Sammy! Fun day!
Winning 210 tickets in the arcade playing the "Deal or No Deal" game (That's right. I was in the arcade.) and trading in my tickets to buy temporary tattoos and enough cherry-flavored Fun Dip to get all the nieces and nephews sugared up for their plane ride home. Did I mention that Phil and I were on a different plane home...
Fun week but now things are back to normal. Or as normal as they get around here.
Marriage Won’t Complete You
1 day ago
Glad you had a good trip. Did you get your picture taken with Snow White minus the wig? That would make an awesome scrapbook page! I also think you should blog about the chick-fil-A incident. This one is leaving me pining for more details. When do you cross the pond next?