For the record...Sandra-4, Bats-0. I've (and when I say I, it goes without saying that it means Gregg got rid of the first two, I threw out the third one, and Rob & Jared tossed the latest one out of the house...I must give credit where credit is due. And here's where I comment that a true friend will get a bat out of your house for you. They don't make Hallmark cards for the occasion, but they are still true friends.) not seen any bats for awhile now. Of course the living room is still closed off with towels shoved at the bottom of the French doors. However, we had a guy come out yesterday morning to begin the process of becoming bat-free.
Nope...we still can't get them out till the end of July but they can at least go around the rooftop of the house and seal any cracks between the stone and trim that are more than a 1/2 inch. (Did you know that's all it takes for a bat to squeeze himself into your living space? I now know more about bats than I ever cared to. Need some info on what guanine is? Give me a call.) They'll come back in a few weeks to install a kind of one-way door thingy (official bat lingo) where we think they're getting in, wait a week for all of them to leave, and then seal that entry-way off, and then hopefully all the drama will be done. Oh...and guanine is bat poo if you were wondering.
Bats notwithstanding, it's been busy here. Along with Phil coming home for the weekend of June 20th, we had old friends from college come up from DC as well. Lots of fun with the Bolha's as we explored historic Philadelphia. Phil flew back to London for a bit and then flew back home this past 4th of July weekend where we had some other old friends from college, the Mazelin's, visit as well. Another fun weekend in Philly! My parents are coming out as well this week, so the fun continues.
Sox is wild with excitement. Actually (and those of you who know him well would be perplexed at that last statement) he's just laying on the floor right now catching his early afternoon nap, which followed his late morning nap, and will soon segway into his late afternoon nap.
I, on the other hand, am armed with a handful of travel books from the library to begin the meticulous planning of my trip to Europe a week from Friday. My traveling has begun. I fly out from Philly to meet Phil in Milan, Italy for a long weekend. We then fly to London for several days and then take the train through the Chunnel (such a funny word) to Paris for another long weekend. 10 days in all. We'll explore on the weekends but Phil has to work at the company's various offices in each city on the weekdays. Am I a bit nervous about touring on my own while Phil's working? Hmm...a bit, but I figure if I can live through the fish spa incident in Singapore then I should be fine for just about anything.
What to see, what to see. Especially in Milan. Don't know a thing that's there. Good lasagna, perhaps? A friend from church began to gush once they heard where I was headed. "Think of all that high fashion?!" Uh...a good sale at Ann Taylor Loft is about as "high fashion" as I get. But fear not, blogging friends, you will certainly get a front row seat to any and all adventures while roaming around.
Marriage Won’t Complete You
1 day ago
Awesome, Sandra!! You know that EVERYONE you know is jealous of your European travels. I wonder if there are bats in Europe. And although I've never been to Italy (or Europe in general), a piece of advice from a friend who has, is this: don't wear tennis shoes. It'll mark you as a tourist (although all your travel books will probably give you away) and it's not fashionable. Find comfortable leather shoes. You can thank Bonnie in Oklahoma for that one.
ReplyDeleteI have been totally picturing you with a tennis raquet chasing bats around your house. Bats give me the heebie-jeebies. I hope the bat drama ends for you soon. Not that it matters, anyway, with you jetting off to Milan and all.
ReplyDeleteand the jealousy sets in once again. . .