Over to London? Not quite yet. This one was back to Tipp City, Ohio to visit the folks for Mother's Day. Ah...good ol' Tipp. Every time I go back, it feels like stepping into a bit of a time warp. Not that it looks like a time warp (although some may beg to differ) but it's just weird to drive around the town I grew up in and see the changes (or in the case of Tipp...how it hasn't changed). Always a good time. Since there aren't really very many "sights to see" in Tipp, (no, really) I thought I'd describe to you the "sights to see" in the Philly airport as I waited for my flight. Can you see them?
There's the I'm Way Too Cool to Take Off My Sunglasses guy. But buddy...you just walked off of a plane. You.Were.Never.Outside.To.Begin.With. Why the sunglasses? Is your future really that bright?
There's the woman I named Bitsy. She's wearing a white polo, white sandals and sky blue bermudas with a lime green sweater, yes...you guessed it...slung and tied over her shoulders. She looks like she's heading to the courts for her tennis lesson with Lars, her buff tennis coach. (couldn't resist, Karen! hee hee)
The How Are Those Shoes Even Remotely Comfortable lady. Not only were they at least 4 inches high. They were purple, orange, yellow, and red. Yes, all four colors on one shoe in a sort of cheetah pattern. As she hobbled (truly) over to the special services counter I was tempted to ask her if the obvious pain that she was in was worth the look. A look that not many of us could pull off, I might add.
How about the Yep...I'm Headed Back to Dayton guy. Low-hanging jeans with the outline of a can of snuff imprinted on the back left pocket, a red short-sleeve plaid shirt, trucker's cap, and mustache that looks like Earl Hickey...enough said.
The I Love Hot Moms tee shirt guy. Uh...eewww.
The Scared of Swine Flu woman. Literally had a full scarf wrapped around her mouth. Looked a little ninja-ish, actually.
The Feels a Bit Breezy Back Here lady. Note to all...if your jeans are low-rides, your shirt better be long enough to cover all that should be covered. If you are not crouched under my sink fixing a leak, I should not see plumber's crack. Hmm...never mind. Even if you are crouched under my sink, I shouldn't have to see that.
And finally...I saw the tallest pilot that I've ever seen in my life. And he happened to be one of the guys who flew me to Dayton. I swear I would've only come up to a little higher than his elbow. He unfolded himself from the cockpit and stood up. (After we parked at the gate, of course.) Well...at least as high as he could. Literally, the tops of his shoulders reached the top of the inside of the plane. He had to totally bend his head all the way down so that his chin hit his chest in order to stand up.
There you have it. The sights to see at the Philly airport. Now that I'm back home, the sights to see here are good, too. Phil finished up in Sydney, came home Tuesday morning (whoo hoo), and has been spending the last few days trying to figure out where he is and what time zone it actually is compared to what time zone his body thinks it is. A feeling I don't miss having!
Marriage Won’t Complete You
1 day ago
ReplyDeleteThat was awesome. I can't decide which one is my favorite because you described them all so well. You and I should get together sometime and people watch. We could eat salad from my garden at the same time.
I could picture them all! Thanks for the entertainment...people-watching is much more interesting from your perspective:)