Josie turned one month this past Friday. Hard to believe...(and yet, not so hard to believe when it's 3:00 or 4:00 am) Love this sweet girl! It's been a month of ups and downs but we're moving forward. Josie's dr. diagnosed her with reflux so the medicine she's on now has definitely helped. Oh...and did I mention the sinus infection? Yes...who knew that a 3 week old can get a sinus infection? I do, now. She's been on an antibiotic since this past Wednesday so praying that she continues to be on the mend. She sounded so stuffy that Phil started calling her Darth Josie. Poor little thing... My time is not my own anymore (and that's an adjustment, let me tell you) so instead of lots of words, how about lots of pictures. I bring you Josie's first month...
At the hospital
Heading first car ride
Love to sleep...
Did not love my first bath...but loved Grandma helping me
Love my daddy
Hanging out in my swing
Me and mommy
.JPG) to sleep
Love the shirt my Aunt Karen sent me!
Look how cute I am!
Me and Sox
Look what Mom's cousins, Alan and Sue sent me!
One month old on October 22nd!
And because I look so darn cute in my sunglasses...