Honestly...I haven't been this excited for a while now. Cheesy? Maybe...but seriously, it was so hard not to turn on the tv or get on the internet. I had previously promised not to watch any of it till we were all there together. It was a little like Christmas morning...you can hardly stand it to wait, but there's a little peevish part of you that looks out the window at all the other houses that have already had their celebration and you still have yours to look forward to. Oh, is that just me, then?
Anyhoo...the party was grand. Upon entering the house, we each got a tiara to wear. Our plates were loaded up with little sandwiches, fruit, cheese & crackers, and coffee cake. Juice drunk from goblets...it was like a Girl's Superbowl.
Back and forth chatter about all the hats as people filtered into the church (and just why didn't the wearing of hats catch on in the states?!!), watching all the cars dropping the VIPs at the church, the collective sigh/squeal when we saw the dress, the ceremony, the horse-drawn carriage ride back to the palace, the kiss on the balcony. Just wouldn't have been the same if the men were in the room. This kind of thing needs to be seen with your best girl friends!!
Josie's first royal wedding. I have lots of fun memories watching Diana and Fergie's weddings with my mom and sister. Now I'm watching them with my daughter...life is good. And of course, what post wouldn't be complete without a picture or two of our little "Princess".